Investor Relations
IR Policy
Tokyo Gas seeks to provide its shareholders and investors with fair, timely and prompt disclosure of information. We disclose the information required by all relevant laws and ordinances, as well as a wide range of management information and other IR information to enable shareholders, investors and the general public to better understand our business activities.
Vigorous IR Activities
Tokyo Gas seeks to be a highly transparent company that clearly articulates its management strategies and business policies to the markets (shareholders, investors, securities analysts). We strive to provide more and better opportunities for our top managers to speak directly with the markets in briefings on the final accounts and management strategy.
We also endeavor to use our IR web site as a tool for articulating our business achievements, financial status, management strategy and top-management vision in a fair and easily understood manner.
Notes on Performance Forecasts and Future Projections
All performance forecasts, plans, outlooks, strategies, and other statement that are not historical facts published by Tokyo Gas constitute forward-looking statements with respect to our future performances that reflect the judgments of management and are based on information available to them at the time. Please bear in mind that actual performance may differ substantially from these statements owing to the operation of a diversity of significant factors. Among the important factors affecting the actual performance are trends in the Japanese economy, sharp swings on foreign exchange and crude oil markets, and unforeseen weather phenomena.
Notes on the Use of the IR Web Site
The purpose of this web site is to increase your understanding of Tokyo Gas, not to solicit investments. You are entirely responsible for any investment decisions you make. Please also see "Terms of Use" for further information.
The "12 Hour Rule"
On February 1, 2004, Article 30 ("12 hour rule") of the Enforcement Orders to the Securities and Exchange Law of Japan was amended. This article contains the requirements to be fulfilled when making public announcements that are governed by insider trading regulations. Under the amended article, public announcements will be deemed complete for the purpose of insider trading regulation at the point in time that information disclosed by companies in accordance with the timely disclosure rules of the exchange is listed on the web site of the exchange (*).
Therefore, when disclosing information under the timely disclosure rules and announcing important corporate information that the company believes will affect investment decisions, Tokyo Gas will first list the information on the Stock Exchange's "TDnet" site and then list it on this web site as quickly as possible thereafter. In the event that important information is not listed on "TDnet" but instead is disclosed directly to two or more press organizations (for example, in the event of a system failures affecting "TDnet" or the need to publish without going through "TDnet"), the information will be listed on this web site after the elapse of 12 hours.
(*) TDnet (Timely Disclosure Network)
Quiet Period
The two weeks prior to the announcement of the final accounts are deemed the "quiet period." Tokyo Gas will refrain from commenting on or answering questions regarding results and final accounts during this period so as to prevent the improper disclosure of information.
Diagram of the Internal Structure for Timely Disclosure